Marc claims to speak three languages: english, french and exponetial (the language of money)
If you want to get something extrordinary then you need to do something out of the ordinary
If you do something out of the ordinary, you can get results out of the ordinary
Double, triple or quadruple your sales being antimemiticisomorphic
You will find memiticisomorphic on google, the best description for this is 'monkey see, monkey do'.
Antimemiticisomorphic is the opposite. Check out www.jayabrahamasiapacificcom And look out for the upcoming bootcamp in August 2007.
Marc believes in 'revolution by design rather than evolution by chance' Stop living life according to everyone elses rules.
Could you make a 1% imrpovement:
1% per week = 167 times 'better' = excellent
1% per day = 3778 times 'better' = outstanding
22 times the result by thinking exponentially
By increasing the frequency from weekly to daily you can have an exponential minset.
Just remember, it takes 21 days to change a habit.
Change your habits today and become exponential.
If you needany more info on Jay Abraham's bootcamp, I went last year so drop me a note and I will happily discuss with you.
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